Category: Astrology

Happy New Moon Gemini

Happy New Moon Gemini

Expect the Unexpected Some would say this is the most important week of the year. Uranus, one of the external planets, that moves relatively slowly, is changing a sign today Monday, May 14th. This only happens every seven years! Uranus moves into Taurus from Aries. When a change like that occurs, it affects all of […]

Happy New Moon Taurus

Happy New Moon Taurus

A brand new cosmic zone starts at the beginning of this week. So, let’s get ready for new windows of opportunity! Traditionally, this time zone is considered astrologically complex; in that the Light is actually hiding from us so we can reveal it. In a way, the Light of positivity and blessings is kind of eclipsed, […]

Happy New Moon Aries

Happy New Moon Aries

We are in our final week of emotional Pisces, and we are about to enter a completely different time zone: that of fiery Aries! Let’s get ready for a new cosmic color; we are moving from pastel blue to orange-red! As it happens, Rosh Chodesh Nissan (Aries) is an essential cosmic milestone, as it signs […]

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