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The Energy Tree - The Reflection

When a Soul passes from this life to the afterlife, it's the truest examination of the meaning of life and the meaning of our beginning.
Dawn Ella not only left this world and came back, she also experienced loosing the one she loved. Love and Death are the great hinges on which all human sympathies turn. What we do for ourselves dies with us, what we do for others...that's beyond us.
At a time when others fear and retreat to isolation, this was her opportunity for transformation and discovery in the meaning of life itself.

Dawn Ella embraced this opportunity to direct her Soul and life towards the fulfillment, The Creator seeks for all.

Read about this life changing experience in her acclaimed book, The Energy Tree - The Reflection!

Meet the Soul Physician


Dr. Dawn Ella, M, D.D., D.M.
President of The Soul Medic

Driven by our mission,
“Here to change lives,
One Soul at a time!”

Soul Mind Map

Imagine yourself connecting to your Soul like a GPS and using your Soul's guidance system to align you on your authentic spiritual path. This enlightenment is medicine from your Soul. Learn how to successfully Upgrade your Map of Reality to Your Soul’s Blueprint TODAY!

5 Course Lesson


Soul Services

Is Your Soul Trying To Guide You, But You Just Can’t Listen?

Soul News

Energy Medicine

By soul | November 21, 2016

When we talk about energy, we are really referring to two kinds of energy fields: veritable energy fields, which can be measured, and putative energy fields, which cannot be measured with our current technology. Veritable energy fields include things like vibrational energy (sound), and electromagnetic forces such as visible light, magnetism and monochromatic radiation (lasers). […]

How to Master the Art of Meditation: A Complete Guide to the 10 Stages of Meditative Development

By soul | November 13, 2016

The entire process of training the mind unfolds through Ten Stages. Each Stage of meditation has its own distinct characteristics, challenges to overcome, and specific techniques for working through those challenges. The Stages mark gradual improvements in your abilities. As you make progress, there will also be Four Milestone Achievements that divide the Ten Stages […]

Chakras – The Art of Harmonizing The Energy Body

By soul | November 8, 2016

A Complete Guide to Chakra Healing  ~By: Laura Berman, Ph.D. Everything in our universe is radiating energy, from the biggest mountain or ocean, to the tiniest blade of grass, to each individual cell in our body. All of our cells emit energy in different ways, and different cells will emit different kinds of energy depending […]

Harmonizing The Energy Body – Chakra Anatomy – Crown Chakra

By soul | November 8, 2016

Crown Chakra – Sahasrara 7th Chakra The crown chakra is the seventh chakra and it is at the top of the “chakra ladder” which starts from the root chakra that grounds us on the Earth and progresses upward to the Sahasrara which connects us with the universe and the Divine source of creation. Sahasrara is […]

Soul Contributions

we donate a portion of profits to the non profit organizations below


The services at The Soul Medic, Inc. are for spiritual guidance and educational purposes only. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The Soul Medic, Inc. products and services are not replacement for medical diagnosis or treatment. Alternative and Integrated therapies are complementary to conventional treatments; therefore integration of modalities maximizes healing results and benefits for each individual. Always consult a physician, trained health care professional or veterinarian before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change programs for you or your pet.

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