Soul News
How To Overcome Self-Doubt: 8 Tips to Boost Your Confidence
It’s impossible for the human brain to comprehend all the mysteries of the universe. You are only consciously aware of certain dimensions for a reason, and that is to learn to love without the full awareness of your connection to spirit. Everyone has his or her own personal path to this awareness, and there is […]
Tree Hugging Scientifically Proven to Improve Your Health
Tree hugging has now been shown to have scientific validity after all. Contrary to popular belief, touching a tree does make you healthier. In fact you don’t even have to touch the tree to get better, just being within its vicinity has the same effect. In a recently published book, Blinded by Science, the author Matthew […]
Happy New Moon Virgo
This week, we are entering a brand new lunar month: the zone of Virgo, called Elul in Aramaic. Let’s find out a little more about the new atmosphere we are exposed to at this time, so we can take great advantage of this clean slate. Virgo literally means “the virgin!” This is the new chapter […]
How To Connect Deeply With Your Higher Self
In our busy lives, we might find it tough at times to connect to deeper parts of ourselves on a daily basis. Yet, it’s so important that we not only take the time to meditate, but also to check in with ourselves to see more clearly how we’re feeling, what we want to do at various […]
How to Survive A Three-Week Communication Crisis: Mercury Retrograde
Brace yourself! Communication planet Mercury is retrograde in fiery, expressive Leo from July 26 to August 19, 2018, making for one hot HOT summer that could unleash some selfish moments and rash outbursts. Ever have a moment when everything seems to go wrong? Your data disappears, people argue over nonsense, traffic is hellish, and your […]