Soul News


7 Children’s Mantras to Help Any Relationship Grow

For the past year, I’ve had this tattered old paper sitting above my desk. I don’t know where it came from and I don’t know where I got it, but every time I look at it, it reminds of what is most important in life. The page is essentially written like a poem with each […]


The Unity of Opposites

Two eyes to share the one vision. Two feet to walk the one path. Two hands to hold the one object. Two ears to hear the one sound. Two nostrils to breathe the one breath. Two legs to support the one body. Two lips to speak the one word. And the One Mind to direct […]


Manifesting Everyday Miracles

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. ~ Marcus Aurelius A miracle isn’t a host of angels appearing with flashing neon signs signaling your next ginormous spiritual expansion.  Not that it can’t be I suppose. The change in how we see an event, a […]


Super Full Moon For 2017 — Get Ready For A Powerful Energy Shift!

December is a big month with many shifts in it. But all these changes will be showering us with a new energy and new outlook for the year that follows. The last Full Moon in this year falls on the same day when Mercury turns retrograde. This Moon is also a Supermoon, meaning, the energy […]


What’s Protective Wei Qi? How Can I Build it?

Wei Qi is an invisible energy, an electro magnetic field referred to in Chinese medicine. Wei Qi is critically important especially in current times, as we are bombarded by energies and electro-magnetic radiation all around us. They come from cell phones, Wifi, radio, power lines, microwaves, Bluetooth devices, computers, smart meters, the air we breathe, and even other […]




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