Soul News
6 Steps to The Power of Humility
When we lack humility, we may often find ourselves humiliated. The challenge is that most of us want to feel that we have some power and importance in our own lives. The idea of lowering our importance to grow as a person may seem to go against our will to thrive and survive. Practicing humility […]
Attitude of Gratitude ~ Law of Giving & Receiving in 3 Steps
Gratitude, the cardinal moral emotion that promotes cooperation and makes our society civil and kind, is the feeling of reverence for things that are given, according to Bob Emmons Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis and the founding editor-in-chief of The Journal of Positive Psychology. Many of us spend most of […]
Judgment is a Reflection of Separation
Image James Yang Are We Really so Different from Those We Criticize? Many people have little trouble confessing to being hard on themselves, to being “my own worst critic” or to being a perfectionist. They are, after all, merely confessing to something that our culture upholds as a virtue: the struggle against the self. People […]
The Spiritual Power of Words
We have at our disposal a power that can change lives, make a sick spirit healthy, encourage success, guide those who need it, make or break relationships and create a lasting impression of us as people. That power is the power of words. All of us use words in everyday conversation, that’s the human way […]
12 Steps to Spiritual Awakening
Spirituality is meant to bring about harmony and peace. But the diversity of our philosophies, beliefs, concepts and views about spiritual matters often leads to confusion or even conflict. The fact is that the very act of seeking spiritual freedom causes notions of success and failure, and these notions serve only to bind us to […]