Soul News


Harmonizing The Energy Body – Chakra Anatomy – Root Chakra

Root Chakra – Muladhara 1st Chakra  The Root Chakra is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine. It is the root of your being and establishes the deepest connections with your physical body, your environment and with the Earth. Muladhara is the most instinctual of all chakras – it is your […]


The Return of the Sacred Feminine

The Divine feminine is not a distant God in Heaven, but a presence that is here with us, needing our response. In response to humanity’s patriarchal imbalance, her song has been cast into the shadows of our consciousness for a long, long time… We have forgotten her just as we have forgotten so much of […]


Are You a Builder or a Destroyer?

A railroad crew was working in the hot August sun replacing railroad ties and adjusting tracks. As they labored in the blazing heat, an engine pulls up with a fancy caboose all decked out with company colors, and stops a short distance from the crew. A man in a sharp pinstripe suit steps out of […]


7 Tips to Create Your Own Reality

There are simple steps that you can take to make a better you. The first thing to be done is to make the decision to create the reality you want by putting energy into the universe that confirms who you are as the person you want to be. When looking at yourself, instead of thinking […]


The Rising Consciousness of Man

As many of you are aware, the ascension process on Earth has been underway for several years now and is continuing in waves of increasing consciousness. Those who awakened first are assisting the next group of people to awaken and to increase their vibrational energies and that wave will then assist the next. Many people […]




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