Soul News
12 Great Ways To Strengthen Your Aura
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] “Every cell in my body is loved and healthy” Your aura is simply an extension of you. When strong it acts as a protective shield. When fragile or damaged it can leave you drained, unwell and feeling disconnected from yourself. Think of your aura as your own personal body guard (in the form of […]
11:11 What Does It Mean?
11:11~ The Synchronistic Meaning Behind This Master Number Sequence. Angels and Spirit guides communicate their love and guidance in many ways. For many people, number sequences are one of these ways. Do you ever look up at the clock and notice it’s 11:11? For me, and many others on a spiritual path, seeing this specific […]
The Soul Medic Announces Interactive, Cross-Platform Partnership
The Soul Medic, Inc. the country’s premier Alternative Therapy & Energetic Transformational Healing Organization and Achieve Today, Forbes recognized significant Life Changing Guided Transformational Personal Development Program, Announce Partnership. By Michael Joseph Graziano November 1, 2015 Naples, FL – Locally owned The Soul Medic, Inc. announced today that it will be partnering with Utah-based Personal […]
Why Empaths Freeze Around Inauthentic People
Beautiful Words by Diane Kathrine from Just Be about being an Empath Ever spent time with someone who on the surface seem as nice as pie but when with them you feel awful and struggle to form a sentence? This is a caused by your Empathic antenna sensing that all is not what it seems. […]
The 7 Signs You’re an Empath
Let me first say that the term Empath is not simply another name for a Clairsentient, though many Clairsentients are indeed Empaths. I’ll get into this more later. That said, if you feel that you’re a clairsentient and are looking for similar information, most of these signs will apply to you as well, but be […]