Success Story: Heather Donlan
Interview with Heather Donlan

Q: What have been the greatest benefits you’ve received from Soul Body Optimization and Soul Mentoring?
A: I’m a big proponent of taking responsibility for your life. We all have pieces of ourselves that need to be transformed, pieces we don’t always like to look at. Receiving Dr. Dawn’s Soul Body Optimization has helped me examine these pieces in a safe and comfortable way. It is very helpful to have someone walk you through the process, while at the same time holding you accountable for transforming what no longer serves you.
Q: How has The Soul Medic and Dr. Dawn helped you reach your goals?
A: An overall goal I have for my life is to become a more authentic version of myself, which I feel has taken place during my work with Dr. Dawn. I am becoming more comfortable in my own skin and I have a much stronger sense as to what my purpose in this life is. I’m happy with where I’m at in my life and I know that I’m right where I’m supposed to be!
Q: What is it like to have a Soul Mentor?
A: Having a Soul Mentor is very comforting; knowing someone is positively supporting me through my transformational process. In my life, I’ve had recurring hurdles and annoyances. Dr. Dawn has reminded me that these are lessons that I’m learning. Having a Soul Mentor is like having someone walk you through the stickiness of life. With her, I do not feel that I am alone and I do not feel overwhelmed or as if I was navigating challenges by myself.
Q: What is an example of how Dr. Dawn went “the extra mile” to serve you?
A: She’s always available! Whenever we speak, Dr. Dawn is aware and responsive, which makes me feel validated. There’s no denying that she puts her clients’ needs and time first. She’s incredibly selfless with her time and she is always ready to assist when you need her. From what I can tell, she goes the extra mile with each and every one of her clients.
Q: Why would you recommend The Soul Medic to someone else?
A: When I was ready to fully become the best version of myself, I sought an expert to help get me there. Dr. Dawn pushes me towards authentic self-improvement and true fulfillment. We’re all limited with the knowledge of how to improve ourselves, why not seek a teacher? I see Dr. Dawn’s Soul Work as a key piece towards honest self-realization.
Q: If someone called you and said “Why should I get a free consultation with Dr. Dawn?”, what would you tell them?
A: What do you have to lose? When I was at the point where I started to look for spiritual help, I was at the stage where I was ready to open up and look within. It’s been super beneficial for me, and I’ve never looked back. If you’re considering this type of work, you’re probably at the point where you’re ready to truly transform. Dr. Dawn does a great job at identifying with people and meeting them where they’re at.
Q: How is The Soul Medic aligned with the values that drive your life?
A: The main value that drives my life is this: I always strive to be the best version of myself that I can. But I realized that I needed someone to help push and guide me towards aligning my life with this value. With Dr. Dawn, I’m going much farther than I ever would have alone. She considers who you are as an individual and pushes you to become the best version of you! She works on the Soul level, which means she identifies you as a unique and special individual Soul. This one-on-one work is much deeper than any other work I’ve done and I feel that with Dr. Dawn I am taking the much faster approach to becoming the best me!
Dr. Dawn has also worked with my daughter, Abby. I can say that mine and my daughter’s communication has significantly improved since our working with Dr. Dawn, and our family as a whole is able to see the bigger picture of life.
“Receiving Dr. Dawn’s Soul Body Optimization has helped me, in a safe and comfortable way, examine the pieces of my life that need transformation. It is very helpful to have someone walk you through the transformational process, while at the same time holding you accountable for changing what no longer serves you. In my life, I’ve had recurring hurdles and annoyances and Dr. Dawn has reminded me that these are lessons that I’m learning.Dr. Dawn considers who you are as an individual and pushes you to become the best version of you!”
-Heather Donlan, Owner/Founder Heather Donlan Photography and Tutu Beautiful
The services at The Soul Medic, Inc. are for spiritual guidance and educational purposes only. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The Soul Medic, Inc. products and services are not replacement for medical diagnosis or treatment. Alternative and Integrated therapies are complementary to conventional treatments; therefore integration of modalities maximizes healing results and benefits for each individual. Always consult a physician, trained health care professional or veterinarian before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change programs for you or your pet.