Tag: anxiety

The Spiritual Power of Trees

The Spiritual Power of Trees

Trees have an interesting role in the world of spirituality. Trees have been held sacred in many cultures both ancient and modern. Both beautiful and symbolic, trees are very powerful and can influence our spiritual lives. TREES AND SPIRITUAL PRACTICE Trees have been involved in a number of religious and spiritual practices. Many mythologies around […]

Zen Juice

Zen Juice

Organic Ingredients: 24 oz /700 ml apple cider vinegar (always use organic with mother) ¼ cup finely chopped garlic ¼ cup finely chopped onion 2 fresh peppers, the hottest you can find (be careful with the cleaning – wear gloves!!!) ¼ cup grated ginger 2 tbsp grated horseradish 2 tbsp turmeric powder or 2 pieces […]

Cultivating Empathetic Joy: Ancient Buddhist Wisdom for Creating Lasting Happiness

Cultivating Empathetic Joy: Ancient Buddhist Wisdom for Creating Lasting Happiness

We all have moments when we feel like we are living out the movie Groundhog Day. We change jobs, only to encounter a new version of our irritating boss; we date different people, and yet all of our relationships unfold in exactly the same way; we endeavor to save money, but new expenses keep cropping […]

Miracles 101: Get on The Joy Frequency

Miracles 101: Get on The Joy Frequency

mir·a·cle mirək(ə)l/ noun a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency. a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences. Miracles are available to you… All you have to do is “tune […]

Can a 3-Day Fast Reset Your Immune System?

Can a 3-Day Fast Reset Your Immune System?

I’ve been hearing new reports lately that sound an awful lot like pseudoscience: that fasting for an extended time, two days or longer, can reset your immune system and provide other health benefits. I first heard about this when a friend and colleague at Stanford University announced he was going on a 3-day fast. To […]

The 12 Common Archetypes

The 12 Common Archetypes

The term “archetype” has its origins in ancient Greek. The root words are archein, which means “original or old”; and typos, which means “pattern, model or type”. The combined meaning is an “original pattern” of which all other similar persons, objects, or concepts are derived, copied, modeled, or emulated. The psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, used […]

3 Things Successful People Do on the Daily

3 Things Successful People Do on the Daily

I know success leaves clues. It’s why I’m so interested in the routines and habits of the most successful people. I’ve found once I implement behaviors that have been proven to work, I always experience positive change. And how do I know that these behaviors are proven? Because of the results that they create for […]

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