Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break, and all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go… Love Intentionally, Extravagantly, Unconditionally! The broken world waits in darkness for the Light that is you. Every Soul is unique, every Soul is important. Everyone […]
Tag: spiritual work
Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies
THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and can be reprogrammed. Russian scientific research explains the human supernatural phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self-healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole […]
Happy New Year 2020!
As we come to an end of this year and begin anew in 2020, allow the light of the candle flame to guide your way. Remember, most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is. Work towards an attitude of gratitude. Change how you see things, and how you […]
They Asked a Shaman
What is poison? Anything beyond what we need is poison. It can be power, laziness, food, ego, ambition, vanity, fear, anger, or whatever. What is fear? Non-acceptance of uncertainty If we accept uncertainty, it becomes adventure. What is envy? No acceptance of good in the other. If we accept good, it becomes inspiration. […]
18 Reasons To Follow Your Dreams
At age 23, Tina Fey was working at a YMCA. At age 23, Oprah was fired from her first reporting job. At age 24, Stephen King was working as a janitor and living in a trailer. At age 27, Vincent Van Gogh failed as a missionary and decided to go to art school. At age […]
Archaeology for the Soul
The canopy is almost lost, The leaves cover the ground we touch, Like a blanket waiting for the first frost The silence The birds and the singing sun Sleeping nature like our hearts at times, Waiting to see what life unfolds… The passing of time stretching its hands To hold us close to the Soul […]
Push Beyond Your Comfort Zone
It’s a cliché for a reason and this week we will experience its lesson: life begins outside of our comfort zone. The more you choose to venture beyond what’s comfortable for you this week, especially in pursuit of sharing, the more “surrounding Light” – or your potential – you can draw in for your entire […]
A Child Learns A Lesson From A Tree
A small child wandered through the forest Looking for hope, hungry for a bit of faith That something existed bigger than him. He needed to find a reason for being. He leaned against a giant tree And put his arms around its trunk. He closed his eyes and tried to rest. After an hour had […]
Harmony at Heart
The experience of resting in the heart in meditation is not something that can be grasped or forced. It comes naturally, as we grow more and more in tune with the rhythms of our own inner silences. Imagine yourself reflecting the sweetness and delicacy of this experience. The light that emerge from the heart makes […]